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  Function            gotohv - move cursor to absolute coordinates

  Syntax              void gotohv(int h, int v);

  Prototype in        video.h

  Remarks             gotoxy puts cursor at absolute screen coordinates
                      (h,v) via INT 0x10, Service 2. The top left corner
                      of the screen is referred to by (0,0).

                      This is NOT the same as Borland's gotoxy().
                      Borland's function is affected by the window()
                      settings, whereas gotohv() is not.

  Return value        nothing.

  See also            read_cursor(), whereh(), wherev()

  Example             #include <video.h>


See Also: whereh() wherev()
This page created by ng2html v1.05, the Norton guide to HTML conversion utility. Written by Dave Pearson